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Conference 2020 Gallery

Welcome to the Virtual Gallery

Below you will find exhibits under the conference topics. Please feel free to leave comments and/or discussion points on our Discussion Page.

Creative Problem Solving for Times of Crisis

Tiffany and Roger LaMarca

Sarah Jahimiak and Lindsay Zeig

Iris van der Tuin

Protesting Inequalities and the Pandemic

Rhada Modi

Utilizing Interdisciplinary Perspectives to Teach Intersectionality Theory and Social Inequality during the Pandemic

Rajdeep Gill

Decolonization and Creativity Across Worlds

Roots of Racism

My colleague and life co-journeyer Fabiola Nabil Naguib (artist, writer and activist) deeply inspires and informs my thinking and practice in these areas. She is unable to join me for this session, but we hope to lead a participatory, creative session on the thematic above at next year’s AIS conference. For this year’s session, you are invited to explore our collaborative piece, “Our Hearts as a Map for Change: Notes of Heart Cognition as a Radically Divergent Way of Knowing and Being." ( A short essay by Naguib, “Roots of Racism,” from her book, Uninhabiting the Violence of Silencing: activations of creativity, ethics, and resistance (Creativity Commons Collective and Press, 2007) is also included in the Virtual Gallery as a PDF. You are also encouraged to read/listen to Naguib’s poem,  "Site of the Uncolonizable," (, her short blog post, "Writing for My Life: Notes on Decolonizing Poetry," (, as well as her artwork and artist statements that carry rich articulations of connectivity, decolonization, community and creativity. ( &

Online Education

Jessica Hirshorn

The Wizardry of Vision: Using Forecasting to Create the Future of Online Education and Its Impact on Relationships and Identity

Gamifying Courses Guide - Year 3 - Tips, Do's & Don't, Getting Started

Cynthia Kimball Davis and Amy Cook

"Upping the Auntie": How One Western U.S. Interdisciplinary Online Graduate Degree Became a Lifeline by Creating Virtual Inclusiveness Through Positive Social Connection During a Time of Uncertainty

Jason Todd

When Fiction Becomes Reality: Teaching Dystopias During a Pandemic

Elena Riva

Wellbeing in theTeaching and Learning Environment: An Interdisciplinary Opportunity